Meet the Owners
Thank you for your interest in our venue. Chad and I grew up in Albert Lea and were high school sweethearts. After college and working elsewhere for a few years, we decided to move back to the Albert Lea area to marry and start our family. Chad is a contractor and co-owns a construction business and I am a Registered Nurse. However, it has always been a dream of mine to renovate an old Barn to host weddings and special events. When our children, Emma and Noah were leaving to go to college, we decided it was the right time to make this dream a reality. We were very excited when we learned the Barn was for sale, and soon after our big adventure began. Together we completely renovated the Barn over a 20-month period and opened for business in June of 2019. We have had the privilege to work with so many wonderful people. We feel very blessed to be part of these special events. We welcome you to come tour our venue to see why we fell in love with this amazing Barn and property.